Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Search and Finds

A whale,
A bird,
A finger
A baseball glove
Two small bunnies (not the big obvois ones of course.
And a snail.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday, March 9, 2007

Print, and add detail
Top notch jokes I tell 'ya, top notch!
Yuk Yuk Yuk!
Differant rainforest animals
Polar Bear
Rainforest mist blue, macaw
Loris Monkey
Grizzly Bear
Egyptian Spiney Mouse
Banded Newt
Believe it or not, the little slug-like thing, is accually a baby newt!
Kitty katt picture! Those of you who read get fuzzy comics will find the difference between this sweet cat, and Bucky Katt.

Well, you have brains (I hope) so figure it out

Word searches

Hardy Har Har! sooo funny huh?


This one is one of my favorite puzzles, because it has a cute racoon in it!! :)

Word Searches!

These mazes are easy so simple minds (like Kate's LOL) can comprehend it!


This is the last maze that I have, sorry, but word searches and crosswords are coming, don't you worry!
I loooooove this froggy! He's sooooo cute! He's a rainforest tree frog, and my fav. pic!

More Mazes!

This one is for Emmy, and so is the other one, but I just now figured out how to use the typing thinny.
